
Missing: £41 million

Shocking new figures show that Labour Lambeth failed to collect over £41million of the council tax it was owed in 2011-12, with this shortfall adding over £300 to the average householders’ bill as a result. 

Labour Lambeth's Council Tax Rip-Off

Your local Labour Party councillors have once again voted to set council tax at a whopping 80% above the levels in neighbouring Conservative-run Wandsworth.

Curry with Kamall

VCA President, Syed Kamall MEP, was guest of honour at the Associations first social event of 2013!

Supporting Clapham Fire Station

Hannah Ginnett, Sebastian Lowe & James Symes meet with Councillor Maurice Heaster in Support of the Clapham Fire Station.

Clapham Action Team Campaigns to Save Clapham Fire Station

In light of the potential closure of several South-East London fire stations, in an effort to save money, the Clapham Action Team has started a petition to save the Clapham Fire Station, should it come under threat.